World famous wrestler Titus O'neil had every excuse in the book to fail. Born , a product of rape to a 12 year old mother, he had little to no resources growing up.As an aggressive child, many had counted him out before the age of sixteen predicting that he'd end up in jail or worse, dead. Luckily, his mother sent him to a program where he could channel his anger into football. Titus took a bad situation and turned it into a blessing. Below are some of his most inspirational lessons from an interview with Tom Bileyu on Impact Theory .To hear more from Titus click here.
- "There’s no such thing as a bad kid. There are kids that are in bad situations, around bad influences, making bad decisions.”
- “You never really understand people’s pain…until you actually have a conversation.”
- “Character is being able to authentically live out who you really are to the best of your ability on a daily basis.”
- “Whatever it is that you decide to do in life, you have to have an extreme work ethic.”
- “You gotta be willing to do stuff that other people aren’t willing to do.”
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