As Strong As the Woman Next To Me
Torn between eating a snack and being a snack
A Black Woman Created This
Spades Hand MESS
Bad chick with a bald head, living life
Coretta + Martin
Mean Mug Sweatshirt
This woman make sh*t happen
My uterus has a body, with a brain, that can make its own decisions
Cute AF Sleeveless Crop Top
Respectfully, I'm from Brooklyn
Cheesesteak, Wooder Ice, Soft Pretzel and Championship Rings
Be brave teacher
I'll knock ALL this sh*t over!
Travel Mental Health
No Mess Formed Against Me Oversized Sweatshirt
Minding my own mess for the next four years. - Black women
Angry Black Woman
Voted on the right side of history
Note to self: Don't tolerate no MESS
Part of the 92%
I am blessed, in spite of all the mess.
OMW to therapy... brb.
Long story short
Be your eyeconic mess. Be Eyeconic x MESS
Joy is one contagious mess. Dressed in joy x mess.
Don't rush your mess. Ron Bass x MESS
Respectfully, I'm vegan.
Love me, even if I am a MESS.
Don’t be mad at the MESS you voted for
100% Black- Owned
100% Woman- Owned
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